Mission Elections

a podcast by the Euro section students

Section Européenne

lundi 25 novembre 2024 , par Laurent Renaud

Fall 2024 : the electoral campaign for the presidential elections is raging across the ocean. Over here in Châtenay-Malabry, our Euro section students from Terminale have made it their mission to enlighten you on all things presidential !

They have been researching and analysing facts, questioning students from other sections and attempting to answer all of our questions regarding the presidential elections in the US. How does the system work ? What are the main parties ? Who are the candidates ? What is at stake with this particular election ? How can fake news impact the results ? Are there limits to the US democracy when it comes to electing a president ? You will hear about all this and more in our series of 4 episodes.

So get comfortable and listen to Mission Elections !

  • Episode 1 : A two-party system (by Arthur, Romain and Arezki)
  • Episode 2 : Democrats vs. Republicans - comparing and contrasting the political parties (by Giulia, Amel and Myriam)
  • Episode 3 : Can fake news impact the election ? (by Alfredo, Naël and Racine)
  • Episode 4 : The limits of democracy (by Sathérou, Anastasia and Senda)

Crédits : "This Land is Your Land", Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings